Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Vive la France!"

It has been a crazy and stressful week.  One that calls for lots of wine.  Or beer.  Or both.

Between work and showing strangers my apartment I didn't have any time to share an crazy emails I received.  My Craigslist ad has been up for 9 days now, and I'm extremely disappointed in the lack of crazy people that responded.

I will share one crazy with your now.

 This is how I would imagine the writer of this email to look like.  I know, I'm judgemental...

Hello how are you? [BONJOUR!!!!]
I seen your listing on Craigslist for the room for rent, and i am very intrigued by it. I'm a 19 year old French male, currently working as a Stock Broker for {insert prestigious investment bank here}. [Wait...what?  How are you 19] I grew up in Astoria, and as the costs of living in the city (where I am currently residing now) are just bad financial investments on my part, Astoria is not so far from the city, I am very much considering having a room there. I am usually out working from about 7AM to different hours of the night, never too late usually. But as much as the Financial field is my passion, so is fashion. I grew up in Paris [Didn't you just say your grew up in Astoria?], the city where Artists usually do "their time" , and i do travel there frequently. I'm as picky with my outfits as a Female at times, and often it is frustrating (lol) . During the weekends when the market is closed, I'm usually out and about driving, exploring new cafes and restaurants in the city as well, as I love fine dining! Ah, some of the few most important things in life, finances, fine dining, fashion, and most importantly, proper etiquette! I do look forward to hopefully hearing from you soon!
{sterotypical french male name}

Well, thanks for your interest, but no.

Maybe I'm being to selective.

Oh well.

Au Revoir!

Friday, May 3, 2013

What's so great about Texas anyway?

My roommate is leaving me for Texas.  What the fuck?  Haven't the past 2 years meant anything to you?  I can't believe you're leaving me for cowboy hats and country music.

Okay, in all seriousness.  I've had the best roommate the past few years.  He's going to be hard to replace.

I've lived with several different people over the years.

There were my first two roommates in college.  Three people in a tiny 12x12 room.  Yeah that was a lot of fun.  The one didn't last more the a month.  The second was great.  We became quick friends.  Until we decide to room together again sophomore year.  Then she became a sex addict who brought home someone new every night.  Men...women...both.

Luckily, the next year I moved in with one of my good friends.  And it was a successful roommate year, except for that one incident on Mardi Gras.  But I wont go into that now.

My last years of college were spent off campus with a couple of my good friends.  I loved that apartment and we always had so much fun.  I was sad to see it end.  But with graduation upon us and all of us going our separate ways it had to end.  At that point I had 2 weeks before graduation to find my dream apartment in NYC, because the day after the ceremony I would be gone on a 2 week vacation.  No pressure.

The dream apartment I found ended up being a nightmare in a few short months.  I found myself in an extremely uncomfortable living situation.  It was constantly like walking on egg shells.  Eventually I found myself depressed and desperate to get out of apartment.  I found myself on Craigslist and several other websites like it was my full time job.

Two years later I find myself back on Craigslist.  But now I'm the one with the room for rent.  I've learned some things through my experience, and I've gotten a lot of advice from others.  The most important is to take your time.  The first time I did the Craigslist thing I was in such a hurry to find someone I didn't pay attention to all the red flags then went up.

Ultimately this is where I plan to come to vent about the whole process.  And do a lot of judging on all the emails I receive.  I mean I've got to have some with it.

Last, thus far this hunt has been nothing like House Hunters.  Screw you HGTV.
