Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Vive la France!"

It has been a crazy and stressful week.  One that calls for lots of wine.  Or beer.  Or both.

Between work and showing strangers my apartment I didn't have any time to share an crazy emails I received.  My Craigslist ad has been up for 9 days now, and I'm extremely disappointed in the lack of crazy people that responded.

I will share one crazy with your now.

 This is how I would imagine the writer of this email to look like.  I know, I'm judgemental...

Hello how are you? [BONJOUR!!!!]
I seen your listing on Craigslist for the room for rent, and i am very intrigued by it. I'm a 19 year old French male, currently working as a Stock Broker for {insert prestigious investment bank here}. [Wait...what?  How are you 19] I grew up in Astoria, and as the costs of living in the city (where I am currently residing now) are just bad financial investments on my part, Astoria is not so far from the city, I am very much considering having a room there. I am usually out working from about 7AM to different hours of the night, never too late usually. But as much as the Financial field is my passion, so is fashion. I grew up in Paris [Didn't you just say your grew up in Astoria?], the city where Artists usually do "their time" , and i do travel there frequently. I'm as picky with my outfits as a Female at times, and often it is frustrating (lol) . During the weekends when the market is closed, I'm usually out and about driving, exploring new cafes and restaurants in the city as well, as I love fine dining! Ah, some of the few most important things in life, finances, fine dining, fashion, and most importantly, proper etiquette! I do look forward to hopefully hearing from you soon!
{sterotypical french male name}

Well, thanks for your interest, but no.

Maybe I'm being to selective.

Oh well.

Au Revoir!

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